TO ORDER LIGHTSHIP The chart below gives pricing information for each edition of LightShip. Larger orders attract bulk discounts. Please call LightShip marketing for further details. DELIVERY ADDRESS INVOICE ADDRESS Name _____________________________ Name ___________________________ Company _____________________________ Company ___________________________ Address _____________________________ Address ___________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________ _____________________________ ___________________________ Phone _____________ Fax ___________ Phone ____________ Fax ___________ Please supply the following (See price list below): ___ copy(s) of LightShip at œ________ per copy = œ__________ 17.5% first year maintenance theron = œ__________ Sub-Total = œ__________ VAT (17.5%) = œ__________ Total = œ__________ METHOD OF PAYMENT (Please Circle No.): Name as it appears on Card : ________________________ 1. VISA ACCESS Account No ___________________ Exp. Date _________ (MasterCard) 2. Purchase Order P.O. Number __________________ (Please attach) 3. Cheque (Please attach) Signature : __________________________________________ Date : ________________ To order call: 081 890 9955 or FAX orders to 081 844 2830 Pilot Executive Software Ltd., Hanover House, Plane Tree Crescent, Lower Feltham, Middlesex. TW13 7AQ _______________________________________________________________________________ LightShip Single user pricing Users œ/Unit Total œ Maint Inv. Val. %Disc. VAT TOTAL 1 795 795 139 934 0 163.45 1097.45 2 790 1580 277 1875 1 324.89 2181.89 3 785 2355 412 2767 1 484.25 3251.25 4 780 3120 546 3666 2 641.55 4307.55 5 775 3875 678 4553 3 796.80 5349.80